Top or Bottom Whorl Drop Spindles for Spinning Fiber into Yarn with Fiber

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  • Regular price $15.00
  • 2 available

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This is for one Spindle and 2 oz of the Romney Merino Roving. I will send Natural and another color, unless you contact me and let me know the colors you want.  See Romney Merino Roving for colors available.

This Drop Spindle is a inexpensive beginner spindle or a great way to spin when you are away from home.   The spindles spin true and the conical shape of the maple whorl puts additional weight around the rim, helping the spindle spin longer and stay more stable. The spindle is 10" long, rounded on both tips, has a 2.5" whorl, and weighs 1.8 ounces.

Top whorl spindles have the whorl closer to the top of the shaft. They generally spin faster, but for shorter amounts of time and are better suited for spinning thinner yarns.  But it is possible to spin thick yarn on top spindles.

Bottom whorl spindles have the whorl near the bottom of the shaft. Bottom whorl spindles spin slower, but longer. Also, bottom whorl spindles tend to be more steady and less wobbly than top whorl spindles.  Bottom spindles are better for thicker yarns, but again it is possible to do thin.