
Welcome to my shop Felted for Ewe by KalaCraft. I retired and moved from Seattle to Camano Island, WA in the Pacific Northwest. I have knitted for years but stopped back in the 80's. I hurt my hand in 2006 and a friend suggested knitting as physical therapy. She showed me her felted bag and I thought I would give it a try. Well, I was hooked! That lead me to all types of felting. Wool is such an amazing fiber! I started to sell my purses at craft shows and I was always asked if I have a website, so I started one on Etsy. My shop was successful, but one thing I realized was that my customers were looking for yarn at great prices, just like I was. I like many of you, love the fiber arts. So now I have an online shop where you can purchase handmade products made by me, or purchase your own yarns and roving to make your own treasures.